CNN’s report from Hershey, Pa. dwells at length with the plight of workers displaced by the closing of Hershey Foods’ historic Chocolate Avenue plant. (I appear on camera, telling viewers that other townspeople are affected as well.)
The problem with reports such as these is that they leave us just where we are: in despair about deindustrialization, puzzled about where the next jolt of U.S. economic development will come from. Nevertheless, they seem to catch the temper of the times, when many Americans are frustrated and frightened.
The report airs on CNN around midday today, but you can also catch it on the Web at: http://money.cnn.com/video/news/2010/11/08/n_hershey_company_town.cnnmoney/
And in case you missed the New York Times review of my book on Sunday, you can see it at: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/07/business/07shelf.html?_r=1&ref=business